Tailgate Exhaust

Tahoe-based Tailgate Alaska recently had their permit renewed to continue there presence in Thompson Pass. I refer to the event as Carbongate, Rotorgate or Motorgate, as it seems odd to name a ski event after tailgating, a social phenomenom with it’s roots in college football. Besides, it has little redeeming economic value to our community based 30 miles away. It’s […]

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Goodbye “Hope” Francis

…Mountains have heights and they are plentiful, vast, beautiful, graceful, bright and fragrant. These mountains are what my Beloved is to me. Lonely valleys are quiet, pleasant, cool, shady and flowing with fresh water; in the variety of their groves and in the sweet song of the birds, they afford abundant recreation and delight to the senses, and in their […]

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Nepal Earthquake

Two years ago, Tabitha and I trekked from Jiri to Everest Base Camp on a month-long journey through the Himalayan Range.  We took the long way, hiking through dozens of  Sherpa and other ethnic villages along the way, experiencing and seeing the living conditions common in rural Nepal away from the rush to Everest.  This part of Nepal is missed by […]

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Alaska Heliski Industry Under Pressure to Change

The Alaska Dispatch reported today that the company Alaska Helisking is being sued by the family of a client who died skiing outside Haines, Alaska.   This comes on top of the State of Alaska’s recent hearing before the Occupational Health and Safety Department about bringing some needed improvement in how the heliski industry operates in Alaska. I participated in […]

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I avoid politics on my Home Page like the plague. But not today. Not today of all days. I’m not sure if anyone gets it. I drive through Thompson Pass and check out dozens of mechanized skiers who are burning fuel as if there had never been an oil spill that devastated this region. Back then global warming wasn’t even […]

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