Valdez Ski Report February 29, 2016

SKI – Took an odd way to 27-Miles Icefall which I tried to skin to the top of but the sun was producing rapid instability under foot with rollers coming down overhead so I baled, but still good powder on shaded northerly aspects. Also odd was a snow depth of only three feet were I turned around. At the top of the first gulley, there is pretty easy descent to the toe of the glacier.  This is a good route to avoid the global warming crowd(sleds). The icefall is really filled in and should provide good access to Sapphire Basin and Peak for those so inclined. Some soft, minimal surface slabs were broken through and solar effect was taking place with rollers and such. With temps cooling through the week, thus should temper that a bit. Good-bye to a most excellent month of Chugach skiing!

WX – Say a big “Hello” to March nd this may be the another week to hammer out routes as fair skies are forecast all week with temperature dropping slowly to the teens by Thursday. Magic model is having issues with wind. Ridging from Canada moves west and will tighten the gradient thus gusty north winds will develop more so on Wendsday-Thurs along with heightened avalanche concerns at upper elevations mainly southerly aspects.

Couple of pics.

