Valdez Ski And Avalanche Report November 28, 2015/1400

Ski conditions are remarkably good after the biggest snow event in years caused trouble in Thompson Pass the past few days.  With roads open I ventured up at first light this morning and left as the sun was peaking through revealing an amazing scene. For instance the entire north face of Little Odessey, including The Shadow are void of rocks for the first time in recent memory.

Weather looks better this upcoming week with some pesky lows bringing disperse clouds to the Thompson Pass area with occasional flurries through mid-week.  More normal temps will creep in and may freeze the snowpack hard making for excellent skinning and some icy skiing at lower elevations. But with temps remaining below freezing through this last storm, good powder skiing will exist away from wind effected surfaces and above the freeze line.

Stability is another issue. I barely got above road level for this pit which looked good regarding stability.  With that said, it is best to approach steeper terrain with very cautious eye as conditions will change with elevations. Small test slopes along the way works good with me along with a pit whether you think so or not. Cornices my be buried under the snowpack in some routes along ridges.  These type of condition generally result in good stability as time moves on resulting in the mythical Chugach touring experience.11-28-15Pit