Ski and Avalanche Report – Nov 12, 2014

SKI – GOOD on 2″ of wet fresh snow over a solid base.  Very little drifting.  North aspects are by far the best as the Odessey Arena should be good for the next few days. Catchers Mitt will be sunniest.  Skied Harvey’s Ditch on Little Odessey today and was real nice.

11-12-14 Little Odessey= Harvey's Ditch

AVALANCHE – LOW with some minor wet sluffing at increased angles and some sensitivity atop newly loaded snow pillows along cornices and steep terrain.  No increased hazard in the weather patterns through the weekend.

Of note was this isolated avalanche in Gulley 2, the only activity I spotted today.

11-12-14 Gulley Two

Gulley Two

WEATHER – Sunny and warm with temp well above average at sea level near 40F and pleasantly in the upper 20’s. Winds variable to 10mph through the weekend.