Season 35 Begins!

Nice benchmark today starting my 35th season skiing right here in Thompson Pass where I learned to ski. I recall my first October with lots of  wet snow and the beginning of my fascination with snow and eventually avalanches.  The difference this year is I retired from 27 years of guiding on my last turns last spring.  Who knows what this will open up, but hoping to travel more around the state, free from the obligations of the Pass. Most of it will he right here as it should be as this place rocks more than most.  Thinking Brooks Range in May and some trips up to the AK range when conditions are good whenever.  I can now ski because I love to, not because I have to.

Intend to continue filing field reports as the season progress.  I began doing these reports in 1996 from the Chalet on a small Apple laptop and dial-up internet with AppleWorks and enjoy sharing my experiences and assessments.  This was one of the first web based ski and avalanche reports in the nation   I also enjoy the chance to spend a winter photographing one of the unique snowscapes on the planet.

Like today…

8″ fresh made for some low angle touring around Worthington Glacier. It was too stormy up high to risk, though the snow was very supportable for skiing, gotta temper 1st day desires due to ROCKS. Sun supposed to blaze tomorrow and if so I’ll possibly go check it out and try to get some turns in.



Still some puddles but the uppers are looking good.

A moose running out of options.


Eagles wait for cohos.
