Pre-Season – Chugach XFit Routine
I don’t like getting hurt, especially on the first day of skiing which may be only days away. With that as my primary focus it is time to move around and get in ski shape. In the past I’ve done a variety of routines on a nearly daily basis beginning on September 1 for an Oct 15 start date. Last couple years it was lap swimming which was pretty good stuff but that got boring. Before that I would ride my bike up the pass daily. I ended last ski season by jumping into road cycling immediately and training for a few races, but by July I was exhausted, performed badly and tossed my bike to the side and rested about a month. But I know the risk of injury is too high in a long ski season, so every fall I get on the stick. My injury record is pretty clean in early season and it’s all because of this annual rite.
photo – October 8, 2011
I haven’t been in a gym in nearly 35 years. Back in HS and college I spent way too much time in weight rooms and never returned once I discovered snow, skins, and Alaska. Actually the Xfit routine looks much like the workouts I did in wrestling. Same short intense sh!t, with someone always coming up with something better or not. So without a coach yelling at me, perhaps I could enter a room of iron again and actually enjoy it.
A few years ago they built a nice community “wellness” place stocked with the latest and greatest. Finally I resolved to myself to go back to the gym with my rope and come up my own routine based on what I have learned about skiing. Rope work is super efficient and not nearly as hard on bones as running. Twenty minutes of rope is equal to an hour run.
Been doing this for a month, 5 days a week outside my two long mb rides. Not really interested in pumping iron as much as core and cardio at this point and some push-ups My pack and skis will make up for that once skiing starts.
Crunches (3 different)
Group Two (no break)
Standing Crunches
Here’s my embarrassing video. Note: I’m wearing a Voile shirt(send me free gear) and I reshot the “burpees” today as fresh snow fell in Valdez last night.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”400″][/youtube]
Anyone else doing something special for skiing. Please no Vonn videos…….