San Blas, Panama

Part One: Corrientes Fáciles (Easy Currents) San Blas Islands, Gunayala Region, Panama Expediciones Tropicales; February 29, 2020 – March 5, 2020. Day One – Within a nautical mile we were soaked with warm Caribbean spray as we departed the busy Port of Barsuggum, bouncing fast over two-foot white caps into a fresh wind. Glancing over my shoulder and opening my […]

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No Ski Reports – Sorry

Since I’m not posting reports this year folks are now emailing me. Though I’m flattered you would consider me for your beta, I really don’t want to do that anymore.  I just want to be a regular skier for awhile. Please do not e-mail or call for a conditions report as I will not reply.  The exceptions are skinners who know […]

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Backcountry News : Meeting and Rotorhead Award

The Alaska Department of “Un-natural” Resources will be holding a meeting on Wednesday night at the Valdez Library (Downstairs). The anticipated SRO will allow locals to provide input as part of the snail-paced scoping plan for the Copper River Basin Plan that includes Thompson Pass state lands. 6-7:30 Good place to give DNR your opinion. I will be advocating non-mechanized […]

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The Deadly Season Arrives

…..While we may become concerned about avalanche fatalities in Alaska, a staggering 13 Alaskans have been killed using snow-machines and ATVs on snow in Alaska since November 1st along with 18 search and rescue cases. A total of forty incidents involving sleds have required Alaska State Trooper resources so far this winter for a variety of issues. Last winter there […]

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