Berries and more berries…September

If anyone has been out picking blueberries, the impact of a dry warm spring is evident as I have continued picking them for the past month.  Blueberries in the Pass usually last a few weeks.  But with no freeze yet, they just get better, much like fresh snow over one’s favorite skin-ski trip. 

I replaced my old camera with the same Canon G15.  This is a high-tech point and shoot without the bulk of an SLR.  It’s probably the heaviest point and shoot but the results are just what I like, sharp and vivid with a gazillion setting usually reserved for professionals.  Here’s some landscape scenes from today as Tabitha and I loaded up on natural sun and sugar.  

Higher was better just like snow.

Berry1Loveland’s lowers….

Meteorite hides behind Heidi.
Berry3Distant dreams.